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reading and wishing

My name is Gaby, I'm 21 and from Miami. I'm an english major who loves to read (duh!)

Currently reading

The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Lauren Oliver
Wild Awake - Hilary T. Smith This book is like a fever dream...very weird feelings about it. I think they're mostly good but this book made me feel awful. Which is the point?
The Distance Between Us - Kasie West This book would have been better if I didn't find the charming sarcasm of the narrator so...grating. Dry humor? Not really. But it's a cute summer read.
Haze - Paula Weston Read this in one night. WHAT WAS THAT ENDING? I love this series soooo much.
This is What Happy Looks Like - Jennifer E. Smith I was looking for a fluffy summer story, but this was just barely okay. Nothing wrong with the story or anything but it just could have been so much better. I just spent the whole book wishing Sarah Dessen had written it. The characters are just...flat. And I would have liked more resolution at the end.
Audrey, Wait! - Robin Benway Solid 3.5/5 This book is so 2005-2008 and I love all the music references.
My Most Excellent Year - Steve Kluger I love every single person in this book with all my heart.
Me Before You - Jojo Moyes Decided to read what I thought was a lighthearted read on the train to Paris. Spent the night trying to sob as quiet as possible and this book has been on my mind ever since.
Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare Emotionally wrecked. My heart hurts so much.
Eleanor and Park - Rainbow Rowell This is one of those weird books where I battle between giving it 5 stars or 3, so I'm going in between. There were parts of this book that I loved so much, and parts like the ending that just left me feeling short changed. This book had the potential to be amazing, and most of it was, yet I still feel conflicted. Eleanor and Park succeeds in that it made me nostalgic for that first love. The type when you don't yet know heart break, where every feeling is new and you feel like your world is this other person. Every feeling they described is filled with a special innocence. The love between Eleanor and Park is pure and beautiful. Despite the darker themes explored in this book (poverty, bullying, family problems, abuse) the soft and gentle romance shines bright.But the ending to me was muddled and confusing. Not to mention abrupt. I kept trying to see if there was an extra chapter I missed. It ruined every positive feeling I had about this book until I could step back and think about the book as a whole.
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me - Sarra Manning I'm kind of picky with my Chick Lit. Usually they have these awful covers and names that are sickly sweet and I just can't pick them up. Mostly I stick to the world of Young Adult because I really don't care to read about being 29 and single. However, I absolutely loved Adorkable so I was curious to see how Sarra Manning's adult work was. And I wasn't disappointed. This book was fun and I really felt a connection to Neve, even if I wanted to slap her sometimes. She was a very real character and I related to her in a lot of ways. I only wish that the ending had been a little less "everyone lived happily ever after" because honestly, I hold a grudge and I hate when characters can just forgive easily because I would never be like that. All in all, it seems like chick lit with British ladies who's lives are just kind of on the verge of falling apart very well may be my thing!
Perfect Scoundrels - Ally Carter Soooo good. Best one yet.
Magic Bleeds -  Ilona Andrews FINALLY
Magic Burns -  Ilona Andrews 3.5/5 This series is so much fun.
If I Lie - Corrine Jackson Have spent the past 4 hours sobbing. Have to be up for work in 6 hours. My brain won't shut off. It's going to be a long night.
Just One Day - Gayle Forman Most guy wrenching cliffhanger in the history of all cliffhangers. My heart hurts, but is filled with nostalgia and love for this book. I need to read Just One Year ASAP.

Meant to Be

Meant to Be - Lauren Morrill 2.5/5Light and fun, yet not as good as I expected.